About us

A team who wants to create
fun games and services

Our team is a group of friends who came together through our love of games and we want to try and make games that people will love.

Our Founders

The team members who started this adventure.


A software and systems administrator from the small country of New Zealand.

Azreel Indrason

A chaotic yeen who had the initial dream of starting Dragons Child Studios.

Our values

Our values that we hold in the heart of our team.

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    Privacy based

    We do not like our data being sold so why should we sell your data off to other companies?

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    Have fun making games

    We try to have fun in all that we do. We love games and we love to play them. So why should we make games that arent fun?

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    Honesty and transparency

    If we have any privacy issues we will make sure that they are resolved and that a transparency report is made.

Contact us

On our Discord or forums


Our Discord server is open to everyone. Feel free to join and ask us any questions!


Our forums are another place where you can reach us and ask questions.